
When capacity is flooded and/or in deficit, procrastination can be a response to overwhelm

Love this from Algorithms to Live By -Brian Christan & Tom Griffiths about the procrastinating Robot on Mars that was unable to complete any task.  

Starting a task then deciding there is a new priority- then downloading incomplete task data and then not not having enough space left for new task
Spinning cycle of rinse and repeat
Thrashing – using 100% of processing power deciding what task is/ should be /might be highest priority- leaving 0%  left for any doing or checking it’s done.

Simple code rules to apply and follow when the pattern appears :
KT Kill Task (stop what you are busy doing / not doing )
RT Random Task (select something -anything)
OA Order Assign (decide what needs to be done and the order it needs to be done in )
OD Order Do (action to a measurable completion )

I would add- to be done with gentleness, compassions, some breath work or similar.