
Changing Change

Changing the viewpoint on the Changes you want in your life. It might suit others for you to wait for your good luck to appear, or to stay in daydream / ‘I wish’ / ‘ if only’ territory. There may be powerful, persuasive, reasons why this is a familiar space,

Keep It Simple Stupid

A lot to be said for KISS. It’s a great filter to apply when stuck, or when action and momentum is lacking. It’s a simple zoom out form any stickiness. It prompts an overview on what may have lead you to become too stuck- in- the- head,, inert and inactive.


When capacity is flooded and/or in deficit, procrastination can be a response to overwhelm Love this from Algorithms to Live By -Brian Christan & Tom Griffiths about the procrastinating Robot on Mars that was unable to complete any task.   Starting a task then deciding there is a new priority-

Benefits of Coaching

Quite drawn to the simplicity of this article by Erika Andersen. The context is executive coaching but the points she raises and the transfer over across all good coaching relationships. 6 Benefits: 1  See yourself more clearly 2  See others more clearly 3  Learn new ways to respond. 4  Leverage

Johari Window

I love the Johari window. It sounds mystical and I think it can work at quite an existential level, but actually the model was developed in the 1950s by two American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham and named it ‘Johari’ after combining parts of their first names (Joe and


Perhaps the fear of change is as much a constant as change itself—we like routine, and the familiar—it makes us feel in control of our lives, even if these routines involves habits, behaviours and self-beliefs that might be no longer useful.